Managing Trustees’ Privacy Notice

Local Churches, Circuits and Districts within the Methodist Church in Great Britain respect your privacy and are committed to protecting all personal information (personal data).

The TMCP privacy notice lets you know how we look after personal data which either has been provided to us or we obtain and hold about people and explains privacy rights and how the law protects people.   This privacy notice is available online

Data Controller

The Methodist Church in Great Britain is a membership church made up of different bodies of Managing Trustees; Local Church Councils, Circuit Meetings and District Synods. These individual charities form part of the wider connexion of the Methodist Church in Great Britain.

The controller for routine, day to day changes to the personal information we hold(eg change of address, email etc) is the local data controller or the Local Methodist Minister.

(for changes relating to Circuit Information, )

The controller for routine, day to day data protection matters/breaches for Methodist Local Churches, Circuits and Districts is:

Trustees for Methodist Church Purposes

Central Buildings

Oldham Street

Manchester M1 1JQ

The controller for matters relating to safeguarding matters or complaints and discipline for Methodist Local Churches, Circuits and Districts is:

 The Methodist Church in Great Britain

The Conference Office

Methodist Church House

25 Marylebone Road

London NW1 5JR

NOTIFYING PEOPLE ABOUT EVENTS AND FUNDRAISING We like to notify our members, those in regular contact with the Methodist Church and third parties who support the Methodist Church about upcoming church events and fundraising opportunities so that they can play as much of a role in the life of the Church as they choose from time to time. Most of the time we will let them know about such opportunities on the basis that we have a legitimate interest in doing so.

THIRD-PARTY MARKETING As a Church we will not share personal data with any third parties for marketing purposes but if a Local Church, Circuit or District thought you might be interested in hearing from another Christian denomination or a community group or charity about certain events or fundraising we require express opt-in consent to allow us to share information with you before doing so.

OPTING OUT Anyone can ask the Methodist Church or third parties to stop sending them marketing messages (e.g. messages about church events or fundraising) at any time by contacting the Local Contact.

Security Principle:

The Methodist Church in Great Britain takes its obligations under data protection law (including the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)) seriously.  The Methodist Church is committed to ensuring that personal data is handled and managed appropriately.  Together we adhere to the principles relating to the processing of personal data set out in the GDPR and UK data protection legislation which in relation to security require personal data to be : “processed in a manner that ensures appropriate security of the personal data, including protection against unauthorised or unlawful processing and against accidental loss, destruction or damage, using appropriate technical or organisational measures”

Article 5(1)(f) of the GDPR

Data mapping form for Managing Trustees

In order to comply with GDPR, Managing Trustees for the Gordano Valley Methodist Circuit need to know what personal data they hold, where they get it from and how they use it. Below is a list of questions that will help Managing Trustees identify the personal data which is being processed by them.  They will need to review all databases, spreadsheets, email lists, paper documents and any other form of list or documentation which contains personal data every 12 months.

Personal data is any information that can either directly or indirectly identify a living individual

Sensitive Personal Data under GDPR is described ‘Special Categories of Personal Data’ and is any information about a living individual regarding their racial or ethnic origin, political opinions, religious or philosophical beliefs, or trade union membership, and the processing of genetic data, biometric data for the purpose of uniquely identifying a natural person, data concerning health or data concerning a natural person’s sex life or sexual orientation.


Document/list descriptionFor what purpose is the data held?What data is collected?Do you have explicit consent to use the data?Do you process any Special Categories of personal Data?How is the data held and what security measures are in place?Who holds the data and who has access to it?How long is the data kept for?How is the data destroyed?Is any data kept by or circulated to persons outside of the Methodist Church including any Ecumenical partners?
DBS checks  To ensure safeguarding complianceDBS Number, Date of issue, Name and addressYes Public Interest & Legitimate InterestNoCircuit Safeguarding Officer’s computer, password protectedCircuit Safeguarding OfficerUntil no longer need a DBS checkDeletion from computerNo    
Circuit Meeting Members listTo send out notices, agendas, minutes, and paperwork related to meetingsNames, addresses, email address and telephone numberYes Legitimate InterestNocomputers (password protected) Minute secretary, Superintendent and his PA, Circuit TreasurerUntil cease to be part of Circuit MeetingPaper shredded and electronic deletion from laptopNo
Document/list descriptionFor what purpose is the data held?What data is collected?Do you have explicit consent to use the data?Do you process any Special Categories of personal Data?How is the data held and what security measures are in place?Who holds the data and who has access to it?How long is the data kept for?How is the data destroyed?Is any data kept by or circulated to persons outside of the Methodist Church including any Ecumenical partners?
Circuit PlanInformation and communication for Sunday Service planNames, addresses, email address and telephone numberYes Legitimate InterestNo  Laptop, email and computer Notice to not share.Electronic copies and paper copies distributed to all preachers, ministers, stewardsElectronic copies are kept for one year then archivedPaper shredded and electronic deletion from devicesYes – Anglican Minister at Christchurch Clevedon LEP
Safeguarding RecordsSafeguarding Compliance including Covenants of CareSafeguarding breaches  Yes Public Interest/ Legal ObligationNoPaper copies (locked filing cabinet) and Safeguarding/Ministers Computer (password protected)Church, Circuit & District Safeguarding Officers75 years S/O 1104 & 121(7), 111(2A)N/A But Data may be passed to Church House London.No – unless requested
Church StewardsContact purposes for arranging meetings etcNames, addresses, email address and telephone numberYes Legitimate InterestNoComputer (password protected)Minister, Church Stewards and members of the congregationUntil Stewardship is relinquishedPaper shredded and electronic deletion from laptopNo